Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Jamie and Andy asked if I wanted their johnny jumper. At first I said no because I didn't think I had a place to hang it. Later I decided I did want it and would figure something out. I am so glad I did. She loves it and I can take a shower in peace. It looks like she is saying "what? who me?"

It was a little cold out this time. It was sunny though. She loved it. I couldn't resist putting those classes on her. My aunt got those for her before she was born. I think she looks like a little diva!

Morgan and I love to take walks when it is nice outside. She loves to sit up and look at everything.

These are some pictures from when we got home. Morgan loves the bath tub. She is getting so smart. She can figure out how to reach a toy when it is just out of reach. I am amazed when I sit and watch her do all these things. I always feel so blessed to have her in my life. She makes me laugh all the time.

This frog was huge. I couldn't resist a picture when I love frogs so much!!

My mom and I were at the mall and saw these big animals. This is morgan on a horse. She loved it.

This sculpture was made entirely out of butter. It is life size too. I can only imagine the time it took to do that!!

These little piggies had already ate and catching some zzzzz's. I love when they cuddle up with eachother.

This was the biggest pig I have ever seen. It was so cute to see her little babies! I don't think I could handle 7-8 babies sucking on me at one time. Mom's are amazing wether human or animal!

This little guy walked straight up to the camera! It was priceless. He just stood there until I took the picture.

Michael and the girls looking at the baby chicks! They were so cute. It reminded me when I was in middle school and we hatched chicks for science class. It was awesome. I still have the book we had to use.

Isabel and I!

Isabel loves the camera!

Alexandra and Isabel milked a fake cow. It was cute!!!

Michael, Sarah, and the girls and I all went to the farm show in harrisburg. It was fun. Michael and the girls wore cowboy hats it was cute. Here are pictures from the farm show.

Sorry it has been awhile since I have posted last. I was in PA for a couple weeks. I had a great time. I am waiting for those pictures to come back and then I will post them. Morgan is getting so big. She has two teeth, she sayd mum mum and da da. She waves sometimes and is almost crawling. Time really flies.